What is that CPDT-KA after
Lisa, Devene & Sue's names?
Here is the info from the
The Certification Council for Professional
Dog Trainers:
Certified Professional Dog
Trainers Appropriately Identified
Professional dog
trainers are being internationally recognized.
New York, New
York, July 1, 2009 - The Certification Council for Professional
Dog Trainers (CCPDT) has changed the title of Certified Pet Dog
Trainer (CPDT) to Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge
Assessed (CPDT-KA) effective today. All current CPDTs may now
use this new designation.
In the future, the
CCPDT will be issuing certificates to CPDTs who have also passed
a practical exam. The practical examination will assess a
CPDT-KA's hands-on ability to train a dog and a CPDT-KA who
passed this examination will be designated a Certified
Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge & Skills Assessed (CPDT-KSA).
These changes are
being made because the CCPDT believes skilled dog training
requires not only knowledge of theory but effective application
of that theory. Current and future CPDT-KAs will have the
ability to verify to veterinarians, clients, and the public that
they have attained a significant achievement in both the
knowledge and skills areas of professional dog training.
The CCPDT is an
international testing and certification program for professional
pet dog trainers and the only independent certification. As
such, the certification is neither tied to membership in any
organization nor tied to graduation from a specific school. The
certification is administered by independent proctors only after
the applicant meets the published criteria to sit for the
examination. The certification program administered by the CCPDT
is the only dog trainer certification program that is
psychometrically sound, meeting the standards of other
well-known testing measures. Competence and continued
professional growth is promoted through the recertification of
qualified professionals. This independence distinguishes the
CPDT-KA certification from other dog trainer certificates and
dog trainer certification programs.
The difference
between the CCPDT's professional certification and those of
other organizations can be more easily understood with the
following concepts from the National Organization for Competency
Assurance Guide to Understanding Credentialing Concepts.
Professional certification is the voluntary process by
which a non-governmental entity grants a time-limited
recognition and use of a credential to an individual after
verifying that he or she has met predetermined and
standardized criteria. It is the vehicle that a profession or
occupation uses to differentiate among its members, using
standards, sometimes developed through a consensus driven
process, based on existing legal and psychometric
requirements. The holder of a professional certification is
called a certificant.
A certificate program is a training program on a topic for
which participants receive a certificate after attendance
and/or completion of the coursework. Some programs also
require successful demonstration of attainment of the course
objectives. One who completes a professional certificate
program is known as a certificate holder. A credential is
usually NOT granted at the completion of a certificate
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