Greyhounds-Only Training Class
Call 248-588-3222 to register
The first
week, we will meet for 60 minutes (this shorter time for their
first visit is less
stressful for the dogs), weeks 2-6 will run 90 minutes. This
will allow more time for group discussion and floor time!
Trainers Academy is proud to present this greyhound-focused
training class developed through our years of interaction with
several of Metro-Detroit's greyhound adoption groups.
Greyhounds-Only was developed to help newly retired racers
transition from racer to household pet.
This class was designed for greyhounds that have had no formal
The background of a racing greyhound is so different than a
puppy raised as a pet. We have often heard people
underestimate the skill of a retired racer. So we created a
class that helps explain why greyhounds may seem more
difficult to train than the next door neighbor’s lab seems to
do with ease. We will also help you jump the learning hurdles,
and teach you how to make learning fun for your dog.
We will even address the dreaded greyhound sit!
In class we also strive to help you communicate more
effectively with your dog, which will2 only help deepen your
bond for the rest of your life!
This class will teach you how to clicker train your greyhound.
Some of the behaviors we will work on includes:
- Name
- Touch on
- Sit
- Down
- Watch
- Coming
when called
- Leave it
- Back up
- Place
- Off
- Stay

We will
also have behavioral discussions and talk about ways to build
Keeping your dog successful as you teach new behavior is very
important. We will make sure that both you and your dog really
enjoy the learning process by coaching each dog-handler team
at their own pace.
Please call 248-588-3222 with any questions or to sign up for
this class.
- "Even after the first class we knew this class would be worth the money. We found the approach to be easy to follow, easy to practice and for Oreo, the training was easy to grasp. The evidence was obvious immediately. And now our dog can sit!"
- ~Danielle and Travis with Oreo
"This class was wonderful, as our Trixie is always ready for an adventure and it held her interest, and it trained us on how to train her in a positive and happy way!"
~Jacqueline Saarm with Trixie
"The Greyhounds Only class at Trainers Academy was excellent! We learned so much and felt so much more confident in our ability to manage and train our dog. We got exactly what we were hoping to out of the class, and then some. We would recommend this class to any new greyhound owner! Devene was awesome and clearly knows her stuff!"
~ Lauren Gasparotto & Bex
Greyhound-Only Grads
"I've been extremely pleased with the whole experience. It was fun and very helpful. This was money well spent and I have a happier new greyhound family member. I think having a class of greyhounds only is a fabulous way to begin. My older grey, Mazie, age 11, has learned much of what I've practiced with Mac, and has gained loads of treats just for standing around and being pretty when I click for Mac. She is also a happier pup! I have much more confidence in working with my dogs now. I still need to practice and get better with timing for clicking and treating and shaping behaviors that I want, and would like more examples and demos and practice with what is possible. Intellectually understanding how to shape behavior with rewards (I teach it my psych classes!) is one thing, but getting the coordination and actually doing it is an exciting new adventure. Thanks again for your excellent program!"
~ Ilenya Marrin & Mac
Greyhound Only Grads
"You may remember Lightning from your greyhounds only class. You may also
remember that all her parents wanted her to do was to sit. It took quite a few
treats, but I thought you might like to see that she's got it. We did a couple
of takes for this movie so she was ready for the command (you may remember how
food orientated she is). Thanks for the tools we needed to teach her. Now if we
could just get her to not jump...silly greyhound."
See the video here.
~ Adrienne Pety & Lightning
"It was an extremely positive experience. Having a trainer that is knowledgeable
about GHs is priceless. Sighthounds think differently than than other dogs. And
retired racing Greys, even more so. Many training techniques that normally work
with shy or fearful dogs would shut down a retired racer. Devene knows dogs and
could read the signs the dog was giving. She immediately readjusted the
technique that was being used if the dog did not respond positively. Watching
her was a learning experience in itself."
Julie Spayde & Roo
Greyhound-Only Grads
"Our Greyhound Cleo, is a
different dog since we started the 6 week class. She is more
confident, is showing more affection and Oh my, she can sit on
command, I never thought I would see the day. "
Juli Jeffery & Cleo
Greyhound-Only Grads
"The Greyhound class was not only helpful but it also helped me
become more aware of the Greyhound’s disposition and what I can
expect from my dog. I thoroughly enjoyed the class. Cavalli
also had a good time. She always came home spent…so I know she
learned a great deal."
Janet Dalley & Cavalli
Greyhound Only Grads
"I don’t think words can ever
express how grateful I am that Trainer’s Academy, and
especially Devene, came into my life.
My story is lengthy, but very worth reading.
Last December I became a member of
GEM (Greythounds of Eastern Michigan) and made my home
available as a foster home.
Little did I know how much my life was about to change.
I was asked to take a greyhound for a week because his
foster family was taking a vacation.
I then found out, that because of his behavior, his
foster family had no intentions of taking him back after
vacation. Not a
big deal? Maybe
not for your typical foster, but Hardie wasn’t typical, nor
was the life he’d had thus far.
Hardie wasn’t quite 2 when he first came to GEM.
He was placed within 3 months of his arrival and 2
weeks later a brindle female was placed in that same home.
He stayed in that home about 4 ½ years with the last
18 months being miserable for him.
He and the brindle female, for reasons we’ll probably
never know, were banished to a garage with no real human
intervention. Those
18 months changed Hardie, and not in a good way.
He came back to GEM January 26, 2006 and stayed in a
few different foster homes and then was finally placed in my
home as a foster January 5, 2008.
That next day I took him to a Meet & Greet just to
see how he acted around other greyhounds.
I needed to see for myself if he was really as bad as I
had been told he was. Well,
words can’t describe the fear in his eyes and the defensive
behavior he had if another greyhound just made eye contact
with him. All I
can say is “thank God for muzzles” or there would have
been bloodshed. I
immediately wanted to get this boy help.
I began calling everywhere ... and I do mean
trainers tell me that Hardie couldn’t be helped without even
evaluating him. Well
that wasn’t good enough for me.
I’ve worked with other dogs that had issues and I
knew in my heart that I could help Hardie with the right
trainer. Trainer’s
Academy was the first training facility that was recommended
to me. When Lisa
returned my call and I told her Hardie’s story, she
recommended that he attend Devene’s “Greyhounds - ONLY”
class. There was
one beginning in 2 weeks and there was 1 opening left, so I
took it. That
first class Hardie had to be pulled through the door.
Just the sight of other greyhounds made him shake
uncontrollably. We
went through 2 of Devene’s 6 week courses with Hardie.
Devene and her “Greyhounds – ONLY” class has
changed his life. He
has learned to make right choices.
Now when he’s uncomfortable in a situation, he leaves
it instead of lashing out.
Last night I started my volunteer work with Trainer’s
Academy. Two
other GEM’s were going to be in the class so we decided to
car pool. Everyone
was to meet at my house.
When Helen arrived with her greyhound Dollar, we
decided to see how Hardie would react to Dollar through the
fence. He was
excited to see Dollar, even did a half hearted play bow,
jumped in the air, barked, tail wagging, as if to say “come
play with me”. That
is a total “about face” from where he was 4 ½ months ago.
May 10, I decided I didn’t want
Hardie to ever leave my home and I signed the papers to adopt
him. Because of
Trainer’s Academy and Devene, Hardie has gone from being a
scared, defensive greyhound, into a loving, happy, and
sociable greyhound. Thank
you Devene for saving this sweet boy!! "
Sarah Williams
Hardie (Thanks Devene for believing in me - slurp, slurp!!)
Greyhound-Only Grads
"I wanted to tell you about
something that happened recently. I had all four of my
dogs out for a walk the other day -- something I rarely do
because I didn't actually believe I could control four dogs
if, say a rabbit darted across our path, but it was a nice
day and they all really wanted to go at once, so I
gave in.
Anyway as we were
walking, there were a bunch of kids going by on bikes
and skateboards so I put all four of them into a sit and
then a down and told them to stay and I was so proud of
them. They all stayed put the entire time, even though one
of the kids stopped and said, "can I pet your
dogs?" Simon was the first one to try to get up and I
gave him the "uh-uh" (a no-reward mark) right away
and he went right back down. I was just really proud of all
of them. (Clue is the best :- ) They were kind of far from
home with a lot of distraction and it was the whole pack,
but they were all perfect! I was actually kind of surprised
myself, I have to admit, but we have been practicing our
obedience commands on walks, in pet stores, at meet &
greets & all kinds of crazy places, sometimes with
treats and sometimes without treats, just to stay in
practice and I guess it has really paid off!
That's a long, long way from
ol' Clue who couldn't pay attention for 2 seconds in class,
huh? So there's a little story you can share in your next
class about Clue the Class Clown. He sends you kisses.
Have a great day!
Carey & Clue
Greyhound-Only Grads
article was e-mailed to Michigan ReGAP (Retired Greyhounds as
Pets) adopters and was written by ReGAP member and freelance
writer, Ken Martin ( Since sighthounds
(such as greyhounds) are bred and trained to hunt by sight,
getting them to focus can be a challenge. But the Hiners were
up to the challenge, and as you can see, it paid off:
member Ruth Hiner, owner of Freckles and Connie, has nothing
but praise for "Greyhounds Only: A Class For Retired
Racers," an obedience class offered by Devene Godau,
of Trainers Academy, LLC. A recent afternoon romp at the local
dog park almost turned into a lost greyhound search, were it
not for training learned in the class. Ruth and the hounds
were inside the fenced-in park when another dog owner
accidentally left the double gates ajar upon exiting.
next thing you know, I saw Freckles outside of the park,
building up a head of steam to chase after the dog that just
left," Ruth said. "I yelled for Freckles to come,
and he ran back into the dog park. Then I told him and Connie
to stay as I ran into the gate system to close both of the
quick thinking and stay-calm attitude, combined with the
skills taught to both dog and handler at Trainers Academy,
saved the day. "If it wasn't for the recall and stay
exercises in the obedience class, I would have lost my
boy," Ruth said with a shudder. "If this isn't a
good enough reason to recommend Devene's class, I don't know
what is.