"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."
- St. Francis of Assisi
We thought the class was great, didn’t move to fast for us to keep up and the instructions were very clear. The instructor and training coaches were excellent. Patches isn't pulling on leash as much, and is staying focused longer!
~Kelly & Jan with Patches
We have seen great improvement in Floyd's behavior since daycare and training. It was great to be able to watch Floyd learn as we took these classes, but it was so important for us to take home these lessons. James and I learned so much!
- ~Mollie & James with Floyd
"Best dog training class! I loved the set up of the classroom with the individual pens and especially the small class size. The coursework was well organized throughout the 6 weeks and the classes were lots of fun for both of us. Plenty of time for individual attention and questions. It’s been a great experience! I would definitely recommend Trainer’s Academy. Oliver and I are looking forward to taking the Intermediate class very soon! (Volunteer training coaches were great as well, by the way!)"
"I was thrilled with the setup of class and the emphasis in avoiding problems. I took one of my older dogs through many many classes without that sort of help, and all the management of handling his reactivity was my responsibility alone. I would have had such an easier time in a setup like your classes, and I wish I'd had access to it at the time. I love the individual working areas, and one dog out on the main floor at a time. It was very well thought out and it helped any dog and teams who struggled without making them feel bad or like they'd failed. Having the training coaches around helped so much too. Even little things, like when my puppy was tired and fussing, having a coach come help manage him (cookies on his mat) for me so I could listen!"
~Karin Halsey with Akeen
"Hero was with us just a few weeks when we started training. With the help of Lisa and the trainers, our understanding and bond with Hero has grown. He is able to stay out of his crate at bedtime without incident. He has overcome his reluctance to approach the car. He now enters and exists the car on his own. He is eager to please and responds to commands that are given by my young children and husband (without them having been to the training classes)."
~Michelle Moniaci with Hero
"I loved that 1-1 attention was still given in the group setting."
~Jessica Suer with Darian
"The improvement I've seen is in how I deal with his misbehavior. It has given me the tools and patience to redirect him to the behaviors I want. Great trainers and techniques for training a new puppy/dog."
~Diana Macneil with Cooper
"Shay's focus has improved. While I know we have a long way to go still with her reactivity, I think we are communicating better in triggering situations. Because I am more aware of Shay's comfort in possibly triggering situations, I can intervene more quickly and Shay responds more readily to my commands. I can have her refocus on me instead of her trigger and lead her out of a reactive situation more easily.
I spoke so highly of the classes, and Shay's improvements have been so noticeable that my family brags about Shay's accomplishments to everyone. My family and I recommend clicker training to friends with dogs now."
~Jessica Biebuyck with Shay
"Cooper is a lot more attentive and responsive, except when he's stuck in a "smell spell". Cooper is getting better about listening outside too, his leash walking is improving outside too. His basics (sit, down, settle, hand targeting, anchoring, etc.) are solid."
~Barb Biess with Cooper
"Very good atmosphere. Creative thinking on the part of Lisa Patrona to understand and make our rescue dog comfortable and able to learn."
~Chris Kershner with Penny
"Overall class experience is top notch! Keep up the great work ! Your program is dialed in."
~Steve Lyles with Ruby
"Mia has learned how to sit, leave it, and is working on socializing and being friendlier with other dogs" ~Alex & Alison Batt with Mia
"Thank you so much for the help in training Phineas! We feel much more confident in managing his behavior and teaching him new things."
~ Chad Rogers with Phineas
"The gentle and well-organized training we received was wonderfully developmental and supportive for me and my Border Collie dog, Clio. She is a dog with a challenging past. When I adopted her at age 18 months last spring she had been in a series of shelters that included an animal hoarding environment and travel from Texas to Michigan, resulting in her being very nervous and fearful. She felt welcomed and safe in the class, exhibited by her eagerness to attend class, acceptance of the trainers and love of the training sessions at home. I highly recommend Trainer's Academy and Woofology!"
~Karen Rosenstein with Clio
"We've seen lots of improvements in Rosie, she did very little prior to class and now she follows many commands!"
~Eric and Katie Weingarden with Rosie
"She can sit! She uses the stairs like a champ, and for a greyhound that is HUGE. She also no longer begs for food and comes when called. This class was amazing! They were so respectful of our own personal goals as well."
~Tiffany Inman with Moss
- "I was so grateful to find a training program that did not rely on hurtful, fearful, and stressful modes of training. Rather just the opposite took place. The Trainers Academy staff helped me to learn how to work with - and not against - my dog’s natural skills and instincts. In other words to understand “why” a particular behavior was taking place - not just “what to do”. I am very happy with the results - well worth the drive to get there!"
- ~Will Travnikar with Zeke
- "I give Trainers Academy an A+. My husband and I got our first German Shepherd puppy in 1970 and have always gotten a new one when each had passed. Lexa is #6. I first discovered and have been coming to Trainers Academy with German Shepherd puppies since 1997 and again in 2007 and completed all 3 classes with each dog with beautiful results. It's great for socialization and the reward based clicker training cannot be beat. The small class size is almost like having your own personal trainer. I have been given training tips and ideas for problems this time around that I did not encounter with past dogs and they do help. I will continue to train multiple times a day using everything I learned. From the beginning of Puppy Class to the ending of Intermediate Class I'm seeing positive results!"
~Beverly Morton with Lexa Rose
"This was our first time doing training classes. We loved it and have found positive reinforcement to be effective with our dog."
~Mary Jane and Brooke with Leo
"I love the classes at Trainers Academy...they are effective and make training your dog fun! If you put in the time to practice, you'll see great results. "
~Terry Barr with Ronnie
"We enjoyed the class, learning about dog behavior and got lots of training tips. We are very proud of the progress Chet has made."
~Laura Dicicco with Chet
"I'd never done clicker training before, so I wasn't sure what to expect or if I'd even like it. Now I'm a believer! I'm a huge supporter of positive reinforcement, which is one of the things that led me here. I'm an LVT and will definitely be recommending Trainer's Academy to clients looking for a reputable trainer. I was very appreciative of the small class sizes. It fostered an environment conducive to learning and success. This was not only an effective and valuable class, but lots of fun as well! I love that we received weekly emails with what was covered in class each week."
~Kristi with Paisley
"Bailey's loose leash walking is much better, and greeting people has improved."
~Jo Ann & Joe with Bailey
"Denver is much more responsive and attentive to our commands. He's wanting to learn!
- The class size was perfect, the instructor and training coaches were very helpful and provided great tips."
- ~Emily Williams with Denver
"The training material that I received weekly was amazing, and having this material to back up what i learned in class was excellent! Wally is much more responsive to my commands and better connected to me."
~Steve Vonfoerster with Wally
"This is the second class we have taken through Trainer's Academy with Killian. We are definitely interested in moving forward with the Advanced class in the future. This is a one of a kind training facility and we are so happy to have our family and Killian benefit from the training."
~Mitch Dawkins with Killian
- "We've brought every puppy we've had (3) in the last 15+ years to Trainer's Academy. I'm always impressed with the instructors, with how you keep refining and improving your teaching methods, and how effective those methods are in helping improve the behavior of our pups! Really, really enjoyed the class - again!"
- ~Dickerson Family with Finn
- "We loved the class, and getting the training guides every week to continue to train him and work on his skills!"
- ~Jordynn and Greg with Jack
"Hi Lisa,
I just want to give a heartfelt thank you for your help with River. I know we still have a lot of work to do, but we're feeling much more hopeful than we were before starting the class. I was truly feeling like a complete failure as a doggy parent. But I'm feeling much more optimistic now that we're starting to form a plan for her.
The extra time you spent advising us on the phone, through email, and after class is VERY much appreciated. I can't thank you enough. Jessica has been very helpful and supportive as well.
We thought the class was great. The extra resources and homework provided were very helpful. Also, we really enjoyed the fun and supportive environment of the class. We all had a lot of fun! River is still enjoying her new plushy toy - it's a miracle she hasn't torn it to shreds yet!
I'm sure we'll be in touch!"
~Kate, Johnathan and River
- "A fresh breath of air compared to where we took Nova for her beginners class. Loved the explaining of rationale, variables that change the situations and behavior, tips and tricks to advance or make task easier. Always had guidance from trainers. Would HIGHLY recommend to anyone, especially with Lisa!"
~Stephanie & Kyle with Nova
- "I brought my last dog to Trainers’s Academy almost 15 years ago when it was in another building. The new facility is even better, and the staff as always is great. Will be back for Intermediate Class in November. Keep up the good work!"
- ~Amy Davenport with Luger
- Everyone at Trainers Academy/Woofology has been amazing! Sue was awesome with many tips, Susan and Ellen were great also. Lisa was an incredible amount of help before the class started with e-mails and phone calls about some concerning behaviors Blu was exhibiting with the gate in our backyard, getting into the car, and chasing cars. Everyone we have had the pleasure of chatting with has also been instrumental in us helping Blu with her extreme thunderstorm and noise aversion/fear - even though she still has to be medicated during the storms, the ideas and suggestions provided to us have helped greatly leading up to the storms and helping tame the anxiety a lot more than previously.
- ~Jen Liddell with Blu
- "The format of the trainer describing or demonstrating the behavior, then having us teach our puppies to do this behavior, is a perfect recipe for success. Every minute of the class was used productively, which shows great respect for our time and money, and our dogs were kept engaged and interested. Excellent in every way! Rosie is responding to Sit, Down, Leave it, Stay, and Coming when called more often and more consistently."
- ~Jennifer Forche with Rosie
"Aggie has faster responses to commands, and has learned several new commands. The reassurance and support helped us understand her better, improved our family bond with her, and then improved her training."
~Michelle Richards with Aggie
"The class is broken down to small segments then those segments are focused on, it makes it easy to learn. The last "Competition" of red light green light on graduation day gave me the opportunity to remember what I need to do when there are HUGE distractions. Boom, he could walk without trying to jump on the other dogs. He's now looking to me for direction!"
~JP Hayes with Sheamus
"We can't thank everyone at Trainer's Academy enough! This is our first puppy and our first time attending training classes, and we've already recommended your program to family and friends! The class size was perfect! It allowed us to feel comfortable to ask Sue questions and for her to give us one-on-one attention. Rusty is a calmer pup, and listens to us significantly better. He also seems more mentally stimulated. There is still work to be done, but I'm confident we will get there with what we learned thanks to Sue and her team."
~Natalie Popovski with Rusty
"Honeybee is starting to catch on to loose leash walking. Works well w/positive reinforcement. Sit, down, sit well.
Learned a lot about myself & changes I had to make to be successful w/my dog. I was glad I could contact the instructor & she forward links that I could learn from."
~Janice Wais with Honeybee
"Before this class, Moxie and I had previously completed a positive reinforcement puppy class. This one was light years ahead in terms of both content and execution. I like how ordered and focused this class was - having the dogs separated allowed for me to pay more attention to the instructor. Moxie now has better manners and more gentle mouthing. She's also walking better on leash and is more in tune with me in general."
~Jack Schinderle with Moxie
"All the volunteers in both the puppy and intermediate classes were amazing. They love what they do and were so helpful..Maggie has been a handful but with these classes, we see a big improvement. Thanks so much for all you do."
~Leslie Schemm with Maggie
"Thank you SO much. The training has helped with Boon's boredom, he is more attentive to us and he walks VERY well now. And what we've learned has helped us with all of our dogs."
~ Melisa Mullins with Boon
"We had some behavioral issues that we brought into class. Sue was very helpful in offering advice and training me to think and see things as the dog does. Josie is getting more confident and has become a very workable partner in the training exercises. She very much enjoys her training time and learning how to please...which just breeds her confidence."
~Chris Skotzke with Josie
"The trainers made everything seem so easy and common sense. For someone
who has never had a dog, this training experience was eye opening. We made many mistakes along the way, but the trainer was always there for us with recommendations for improvement, never making me feel bad for not getting it quickly."
~Karen Gard with Rex
"What I liked most about this class is that you are learning
the tools needed to train other behaviors in the future. It wasn't a "here your dog is better" kind of class, it is learning how to teach behavior, which is what makes the class effective."
~Matt Grabow and Bubba
"I can't stress enough how much I enjoy your training classes!! The very first dog training class I took was a puppy class at your Orchard Lake/Keego Harbor facility over 11 years ago with our first dog. I applied what I learned there in every class I've taken since as I trained him to compete at agility trials. When I started out with our new pup, I considered myself a fairly experienced trainer, but he turned out to be a different kind of training challenge than our first dog, and one that I soon felt unprepared for. Devene took the time to send me very helpful information to address issues I was dealing with that fell outside what was being covered in class. And she, along with the volunteer coaches, were very supportive and encouraging regarding the progress that we made in class. I learned so much from all of them, I'm hoping you offer an Advanced Class soon so we can come back and learn some more!"
~Jane Cardillo with Jake
advanced class was both enjoyable and beneficial. I find that my dog
and I both benefit from the class setting as it keeps us more focused on
day to day training at home and gives us specific goals to work
towards. Each week I picked up valuable tips and suggestions from all
the trainers and would be very interested in additional advanced level
classes. I also enjoy watching Sue interact with the dogs. She is AMAZING!"
~Mary Howell with Gus
"It’s always good to take classes from the different instructors. This was the first class I took
with Sue and I found it very helpful and appreciated the attention to
the finite nuances in training. I often find with a new instructor they
might emphasize something I kind of glossed over in an earlier class.
It will suddenly click with me!"
~Susan Dodd with Breeze
"Everyone was friendly and welcoming. That made for a much less stressful
experience in the training sessions, especially since I was a bit
apprehensive regarding the behavior of my dog. I was not really sure how
he was going to react with others and was afraid that he would not be
received well. However, the
interaction and training proved to be advantageous! I'm certain that he
will get even better over time. Thank you Lisa and Staff for a very
pleasant experience!"
~Ann Marie and Guinness
couldn't be happier with our experience. The knowledge and approach of the trainers was outstanding. In the past I'd taken our now older dog to
a large pet store training class and while he grew up to be a great dog, that experience couldn't hold a candle to our time at Trainer's Academy. I truly believe we're setting Sonny on track to being a fantastic dog because of the core things we learned in puppy class and can't wait to continue onto intermediate. Thank you!"
~Peter Corrado with Sonny
already did the Intermediate class with both of our dogs Molly and
Misty. Wasn't such a good idea to take them both to the same class.
Molly was doing great but our Misty had a lot of problems. We got all
the help from Sue and her team and at the end of the class she was doing
a little bit better. But we needed more help with Misty and so we
decided that we take the Intermediate class again only with Misty. She
was doing so much better than the first time and Sue could help us with
other problems we had. We still have a lot of work ahead but know we
have a better understanding what to do and can work on it.
already signed up for the next Advanced class, can't wait. It was a
great experience and we learned so much more and it was fun too. It is a
great class and I would recommend it to everyone."
Heidi Fuenfer with Misty

is the third class I've taken thru Trainers Academy and I have nothing
but praise. I've taken class with Lisa and Devene and they are both
wonderful and it's obvious they love what they do. Thanks for teaching
me how to train this smart little puppy of mine!"
Jennie Lynn & Ellie

"We had a rough start with Zorro...he chewed a hole in our brand new furniture! But since we completed our class, the change in Zorro, and in me is remarkable. I learned what I was doing wrong, and how to get the behavior from my dog that we wanted. If I hadn't gone through this class I'm pretty sure we would have had more and more trouble, and may not still have him. We have a great bond with Zorro now. He wants to please and he is so smart, but I just didn't know how to connect with him. Thank you so much for helping us!"
~Sheri Daniels with Zorro
"Sasha is much calmer around other dogs, knows her cues and is improving on following them with distractions. Today she went to the groomer. she loves the people there and greets them enthusiastically but the difference this time was all four paws were on the floor, it was noticeable. I liked having the opportunity to practice while the trainer or coaches were observing and giving feedback."
~ Krista Bajoka with Sasha

We left yesterday, with Alice, for an adventure to Puerto Rico.
Since we left yesterday to now, there have been so many firsts for our puppy...2 commercial airline flights (staying calmly in her 'den' under the seat in front of me), a flight on an 8 person jet (this she did not enjoy...but was a real trooper) and lunch at an open aired restaurant, where she laid next to my chair until released....even the stray dog on the street didn't distract her.
Alice has been a star....and much of it due to the motivation we learned by taking your class! We've all seen those well behaved dogs walking nicely on city streets, laying next to their people at open aired restaurants, greeting strangers calmly, etc. I never dreamed it would be our Alice!
We have so much work to do....but, the work we've done so far and the training that you've taught us has made this trip possible.
Warm Regards,
Jennifer and Alice"

"This was the best experience I have had with a dog training center. I have already recommended it to several friends. I received the recommendation from my veterinarian and know that the staff has also attended the classes."
~ Michele Dinello with Vito

"Trainers Academy intermediate class helped the me with the transition period shortly after Bella was adopted. I am confident it helped make this period of time a positive experience for all."
~ Kristie Betts with Bella

"I love the theory behind it, and really enjoy that dogs become willing and excited to do certain ‘signals’ and excited to learn and focus on you. I also always appreciate Lisa’s attitude as people are learning and making mistakes. I’ve found many trainers over the years can be very condescending with the imperfections of people and their dogs and Lisa always meets them where they are at, offers sound solutions and encourages them. If you do that, people want to come back and learn. I spent some time in the 90’s involved in training and it was before the positive reinforcement concept was more popular, so it was some correction based training back then. Having experienced that, I know nothing compares to Positive Reinforcement/Clicker training in how dogs learn, nothing teaches more about understanding dog behavior and what motivates them, and I’m so glad Breeze and I have been having fun with this over his lifetime."
~ Susan Dodd with Breeze
"My 9 month old beagle really took to the class. I learned correct and incorrect ways of training which made it so much easier when I learned the methods taught in class. The clicker method I like and by far it is very effective with my pup. My dog gets so excited to come to class its so cute to see her so anxious to get out of the car and begin class. Class was a wonderful experience for both of us and I have a foundation to build on for her continued training. Thank You!"
~ Lorraine Yoskovich with Brinkley

"I can't say enough good things about Trainer's Academy. Greg and I have been impressed since day one of the Puppy Primer Package. We had an amazing and rewarding experience in intermediate class and we learned so many new techniques to better handle some of Rocket's difficult behaviors. It was so fun to see Rocket learn and progress as the weeks went on. Rocket absolutely LOVES coming to Trainer's Academy and we are so happy to be a part of this wonderful program. Thank you for loving our pup and thanks for all of your help and knowledge!!"
~ Gina & Greg Kent with Rocket

"As first time dog/puppy owners my husband and I learned quickly the lack of knowledge we had about raising a happy, healthy and well-trained dog. This class made us feel confident and in control of being dog-owners. The instructor as well as the volunteers thoroughly answered all and any of our question, be they in class or calling on the phone. Their enthusiasm and knowledge surrounding the dog world was incredible. We can't wait for intermediate class!"
~ Justin & Laura Lyons with Kiley

"Loved the puppy class. It helped Winnie and I build a bond that otherwise would not have happened. Love the positivity of the class. Even when I started feeling frustrated, the positive reinforcement helped me!! Keep up the good work, we are looking forward to the Intermediate Class."
~ Ellen Marshall with Winnie

Muggsy & Tucker

"I just want to thank everyone at Trainers Academy, from the instructors, volunteer instructors, and daycare crew. What a dedicated, caring group of people. Thanks so much for the miraculous change in our boys, Muggsy & Tucker. It was a little bit of a drive from Macomb Township and it was a commitment on my part to bring the boys in separately for Training and Daycare. But I thank you for telling me that it would be better for my boys to train separately, so they could become more independent. I have tried other Training facilities, but none compare to Trainers Academy. Thanks again!"
~ Ann Mahoney with Muggsy & Tucker

"I received great instruction and saw results. I really felt like Lisa cared about how I was doing with my dog and really wanted us to succeed. She was available for answering questions and giving additional help. I look forward to more classes in the future and we can hopefully get our Good Citizen certification."
~ Patsy Hogan with Lando
"The support from the volunteers and Coach early on in the course developed the confidence I needed to ensure continued improvement with my highly reactive dog. I look forward to continuing our education with Trainer’s Academy to make our dogs the best and happiest they can be."
~ Doris Van Milligan with Dale

"Before we
attended Trainer's, we were thinking about giving Kilty up. She was "aggressive"
toward family dogs. She was unpredictable around people. She's now 7 months old
and we are so happy with her progress. Her behaviour is dramatically improved.
She loves daycare and loved attending obedience class. We appreciate the
guidance, advice and tools to help Kilty become a "good" dog. Thank you."
~ Angela Stringfield with Kilty

"The intermediate class was very good. I have been through other training programs and find Trainers Academy to be much better in many ways. It was much more positive and encouraging. I would have liked to take Cooper through their puppy class, but we didn't adopt him as a pup. Cooper's only complaint is that he never got to sniff any of the other dogs. He'll get to do some sniffing in day care which we are going to try out. Thanks for a good experience."
~ Joyce Karner with Cooper

"I drove a long way to take the class at Woofology. I could've taken a number of classes that were offered 5 minutes from my home. I knew after the first class that I had made the right decision. The instructor and training staff had many years of experience and they were very well versed in dog behavior. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the classes to anyone who is willing to make the effort to get to the best training for their dog."
~ Patti Tapper and Luna

"I thoroughly enjoyed my Puppy and Intermediate classes at Trainer's academy and do recommend them to everyone I know with a new dog. The thoughtfulness of the curriculum is fabulous in addressing problems people encounter with their new pups, as well as helping you to fix existing problems with your adult dog. I know the relationship I have with my dog is better because of class and hopefully my dog is a GREAT ambassidor of a well trained dog when we go out and about."
~ Angie Hartley and Ayla

Pork Chop
"Thank you so
much for a great experience with Pork Chop. We had been very apprehensive about
how he would do but he really came out of his shell and surprised us on wanting
to learn. Starting with a frightened, timid
rescue dog to having a playful and willing to learn boy has been an amazing
transformation. He has come a long way and we
thank you for the tools to help us continue to work with him to have him be even
happier. He is now eagerly sitting for treats at home!!
Joe and Pork Chop"

"We loved the class, Devene, and the volunteers. Everyone received so much inidividual attention and there was always an answer for every question or concern. We also loved the time that was devoted to exercises like pass the puppy - it was great for Arlo to have the opportunity to be handled positively by someone other than us. We can really see how much more comfortable he became as the classes progressed. Also we appreciated the extra thought and effort Lisa put in when we requested help with Arlo's odd behavior during handling, thanks to her recommendations, he has made a complete turnaround."
~ Chad & Ashley Blake with Arlo

"Jeni is becoming much more comfortable around other dogs... the exposure to other dogs in a controlled environment has been very helpful for her. She still has a long way to go but the class was the perfect environment for her to work on her relaxation skills. She is quickly becoming much more social with people and in fact I would hardly consider her shy anymore, we had visitors over the other day, a male and a female and she approached BOTH of them on her own with no prompting and allowed them to pet her. Interacting with the staff at Trainers was helpful with this. If we had not had enough individual attention and care to Jeni's special needs in the class she would not have been able to be successful. Participating in a class with Jeni would not have been possible with any other program... Lisa was absolutely wonderful in helping Jeni and me both feel comfortable in class and not pushing either of us beyond what we were ready for. She also was great about letting me dictate the direction of each class for Jeni when I knew she was overwhelmed, but giving lots of valuable advice along the way for helping her relax. I appreciated her taking a phone call outside of class to discuss some of Jeni's anxious behaviors and how to help. All of the instruction was very quality advice for every dog owner and every dog!"
~ Gabi Vannini with Jeni

"This being my first dog, I needed the training - the information is great and I know I just need to spend more time working with him. I agree with the training technique and appreciate the instructor and volunteers patience and understanding with me and my dog. The clicker and positive reenforcement was what I was looking for, he responds well to that and I feel good about his training. Much thanks to Sue and the volunteers!"
~ Kelley Ferland with Deuce

"Dear Trainers Academy,
My name is Stanley, and I am a graduate from your Intermediate class for 6 weeks. Every week I couldn't wait for Saturday to get here, so I could go to school and learn how to be obedient. Through this 6 week class I was able to bond with my owners, which is important to me, because I was once a stray dog in the wild. I especially enjoyed eating copious amounts of delicious treats as I learned new things. I liked being around other dogs in a safe environment, and I don't get as scared around other dogs now. Thank you Trainers Academy for making my first experience with school such a positive one! Hopefully I can convince my owners to let me come back sometime.
Best regards,
Stanley J. Ramsey"

"Hello Devene and
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you and update you on how Monster has been since you last knew.
Training with Monster hasn't stopped, we continue to work around
distractions and in an ideal environment he will respond to over twenty words!
In long chains too. Thank you all so much for all you have done for us, and I
look forward to doing a class in the future."
~ Cameron
Luchtel with Monster

"Overall I really enjoyed this class and found it more effective than a similar class I previously took my dog to at a different establishment. I appreciated the instructor's knowledge and enthusiasm. I also liked that the teaching methods were adapted to each individual dog's personality so that no dog was overlooked. My dog really enjoyed coming to class every week and responded well to the clicker."
~ Carrie Fienberg and Indy

"We thought the class was great. Sue knew Franklin got nervous with other dogs and people in a large, new group, so she immediately taught us how to get him comfortable with the situation. That alone was worth it to us, and he learned a ton more. We really appreciated that personal touch, and the positive clicker method...Franklin is learning new tricks already, using the same tactics we learned in class."
~ Matthew Neff and Kaitlyn Kean Franklin

"I really liked this class as it was different then any I had used before. I liked the the postive reinforcement type training. My vet, Madison Vet Hosp., suggested you and I am glad they did."
~Cindy Lawler with Roxie
"I am pleased with
the professionalism and friendliness of the Academy staff, and knowledge of the
trainers. I like seeing my pet achieve goals, seeing his playful behavior, and
learning new skills to teach my pet."
Rachelle Neumann with Rory

Dr. Watson
"Trainers Academy has been a great resource for me and my dog. Clicker training has been fun and an effective training tool. The Day Care has been great in helping Dr. Watson to be less afraid of other dogs and now he loves to play. Now when we are out and meet another dog, he is much more friendly."
~ Shelly Kinney with Dr. Watson

"I liked that the trainers were understanding of the issues we have with puppies, they gave real examples of things, they gave us time to practice things, they answered all questions, and it was fun for the puppies. This {puppy class} was very helpful to me and my family. We have had other dogs in our lives and Bear was doing things and having more energy then we knew what to do with, this class helped us to understand how to teach him what we expected of him without punishment. Thank You!!"
~ Sharon Kroll with Bear
"I thought the training class was great. Everyone I have talked to at trainer's academy including the day care staff have been wonderful. You can really tell that everyone that works there loves dogs."
~ Melanie Leppert with Hades

"Thank you for this class! Gibby's improving every day and we're thankful to have such a great training resource... He's much more attentive and focused on me when we are "on", and seems calmer at home too... I liked that reasoning was explained along with instruction, not just 'do this, do that'"
~ Amy DeLong with Gibby

"I loved the experience I had at Trainers Academy's Intermediate class. Devene was an amazing teacher. She made the class fun for me and my dog Chopper. I can't believe how far Chopper has come since the first day of class. He is a two year old boxer who was dog aggressive and didnt listen to me very well. Now after the six week class, I can have him in a room with other dogs and he is relaxed and not being aggressive at all. Plus at home he is a great boy and listens so much better. I recommend Trainers Academy to anyone at any level with their pets."
~ Jennifer Ross with Chopper

"So happy we found this place! This was our second class, and we will be back for a third. The staff is attentive, knowledgeable, and able to customize group options and activities for individual dogs. I love that we can watch others and also have time to practice as a group/individual. The instructor and volunteers truly care about our pups!!! I also think the graduation ceremony and contests are fun to wrap up the class!"
~ Christina Witulski with Lacey

"Enjoyed the class and I learned some great techniques. Everyone was so well-prepared. Your love for dogs was quite evident...
Take care and thank you for a wonderful class--"
~ Rhonda Shuster with Dexter


"We learned so much in 6 weeks and we really needed the help, especially with our puppy Misty. Misty is doing so much better at home and when we go for walks. Molly and Misty getting excited when I get the treats out and we start practice at home. It is funny to watch them, because Misty is always watching what Molly is doing she even learned to give her paw because Molly loves to do it. We still have a long way to go, but it is not so frustrating anymore. Thanks to Trainers Academy.
The staff was great and we would recommend Trainers Academy to everyone who considers dog training lessons."
~ Heidi & Dieter Feunfer with Misty & Molly
"I had fun and learned a lot in the class. Both Sawyer's behavior, and our overall relationship greatly improved from Week 1 to Week 6, and we both learned things that will benefit both of us throughout our lives together."
~ Ryan Gerhardt with Sawyer

"This was my first time taking a class at Trainers Academy and we really enjoyed it. I thought everyone was great and patient with not just myself but everyone else in the class."
~ Doug Guidry with Sky

"Kebo & I had already been
to puppy and intermediate classes at another facility. The differences in the
two places are like night and day. The instructor spent quite a bit of time on
"stories" about how she trained her dogs. I may just be a different type of
learner, but that didn't do anything for me. At Trainer's Academy,I learned SO
much about the way dogs think about things & about how I was "accidently"
training my dog to do the wrong things! All of a sudden it all made sense!
Plus, the written instructions & articles that we received every week after
class by way of e-mail was so helpful to me. I printed everything out and have
it in a file to refer back to. I also enjoyed the "games" we played with the
dogs. Thank you so much!"
~ Kim Bennet with Kebo

"I can't say enough about Trainers Academy. I have had the experience of both daycare & now the
Intermediate class & can not say enough good things. Max is a shy dog by
nature who is scared of new dogs & my vet recommended daycare for him. I
called & they got him started right away & made me comfortable about
leaving him. They started him off very slowly w/dogs who would help build Max's
confidence. After a few weeks he was able to start to play in larger play
groups. One day we were at the vet getting ready to leave & there was
another dog at the counter, so I was waiting down the hall so Max would not
start to bark at that dog. All of a sudden he started to whine & and tried
to drag me towards the counter. I couldn't figure out what he was up to until I
saw the dog at the counter, it was a dog that he would play with at daycare.
Max knew him & was trying to get over for a visit. I know that they will
never put him in a situation where he is uncomfortable.
I enrolled Max in puppy
classes at a different school before taking class at Trainers. It was not a
good experience for a dog w/Max's temperment, it was very cookie clutter like.
There was no real individual attention & there were no options available
when Max would get uncomfortable. After a disastrous attempt to leave him for a
minute w/the trainer I decided to not continue w/the class & enrolled him at
Trainers. From the first day it was a totally different experience. They set
up a place behind the counter where we could go if Max got uncomfortable w/the
other dogs. They were always positive about his abilities & never made me
feel like he was bad dog because of his fear. They showed me how to reward
calm, relaxed behavior & to distract him before he got stressed. The thing
I liked best about the class was that it was teaching life skills for the dogs.
This was not about how to perform in the show ring, it was about what to do if
you were out walking & another dog ran up to you or how to greet
strangers. Max will always be nervous w/new dogs & new situations but class
gave both of us the skills to better deal w/his nerves.
I can say with total
confidence that Max would be a toally different dog if it was not for Traniner's
~ Jessica Aumack with Max

CJ Calice, Puppy and Intermediate Class Graduate
I have to tell you how much Trainers Academy has enriched our lives and improved our relationship with our dogs. About 13 years ago I first took a Beginner class at Trainers Academy because I was looking for something more positive than what I had experienced in a Puppy class near my home. Now, so many years later I see that you are the new and improved Trainers Academy. This time it is ALL positive, and I feel built up and encouraged. It has also improved my relationship with my daughter, as we come to class together with our dog. Because of your programs I feel we will be able to fulfill out mutual dream of our CJ becoming a therapy dog. You have unknowingly brought a lot of healing and joy to our family as we recover from the loss of a dear pet - one year ago - and from some personal trauma and struggles over the past year. Thank you to your entire staff for being so sensitive and for encouraging my daughter when she struggled in class, and for helping her gain confidence in handling her pet. I LOVE hearing her tell her dog after class, how proud she is of him, and I love hearing her say it to others. What a wonderful experience. I am very happy and look forward to continuing working with you!
...I can see that I am gaining a better understanding of how have a great, positive relationship with our dogs. Coolest thing ever is that our 12 year old Golden is learning new tricks as well.
~ Lisa and Olena Calice

Dozer Audritsh, Intermediate Class Graduate
We got our rottie,
Dozer, when he was 6 weeks old, he just turned 4 this week. He weighs 110lbs
and has a full tail that he can crack like a whip. He likes to cuddle with you
on the couch and he will make room for himself even if you think there is no
He was
adjusting well when we had our first baby, until our son who was a year old,
got too close to him and his chew treat. Dozer had never acted aggressively
before, but he snapped at him. My husband, my family and my friends all said I
had to get rid of him. However, I wanted to keep him because I did not
blame Dozer for doing what was natural to him, so I contacted Lisa and her team
at Woofology, where I received a lot of wonderful educational material. We
eventually enrolled in Lisa’s Intermediate class and began to teach Dozer what
he should have learned years ago. I wish I learned all of this before the baby
came but I am glad I can tell new parents who have dogs to contact Lisa. There
is so much that new parents need to know, and watch for.
Dozer graduated and even won a skills competition in class! My husband and I are very proud and can
not thank Lisa and her team enough for training all of us!
Tori, Dozer and Family

Carter Miller, Intermediate Class Graduate
We would recommend you to any dog owner, it was a great program that promotes good behavior!
Charlie and Sarah Miller

Abbey Sanders, Puppy Class Graduate
We thank you for the love, training and concern that you
have shown not only us the pet owners, but our puppies also. You always put our
dogs well being in the forefront of your training. It was very impressive to us
that each dog owner who had a concern was given time to explain the situation,
you took whatever time needed to help and you made sure the entire class learned
from this discussion. It is obvious that you care about dogs and helping us old
timers' retrain our thinking from past mistakes was worth every penny of the
cost to attend your classes. We highly recommend your training classes and will
tell our friends and family that Trainers Academy is their best choice for
training a happy healthy dog.
Terry and Diane Sanders

Diesel Withrow, Puppy & Intermediate Class Graduate
We are extremely pleased with our experience at Trainer’s
We initially had reservations about bringing a pit bull mix
into our home, especially with other dogs, but Puppy and Intermediate classes at
Trainers Academy helped us move beyond the negativity associated with pit bulls
and allowed us to realize that they can be loving and wonderful companions. We
adore our pit bull mix and he’s a perfect addition to our family! We have
Trainers Academy to thank for educating us about the breed and helping us see
beyond the stereotype!
Tracie Withrow

Molly Kowalski, Intermediate Class Graduate
Molly continues to do well. Thanks to all of you for making this such a
pleasant experience. We are highly recommending your school to others!
Cindy and Ski Kowalski

Marco Polo, Intermediate Class Graduate
Although this was a class
(albeit with a limited number of dogs) it was amazing to watch how
individualized you were with the instruction and the approach to each dog, how
you knew which dogs to pair with which, and how to approach each, and I loved
the feedback to whatever questions we had at the end of each class, even if they
were unrelated to the training, but just were overall dog behavior questions. Plus, you remembered week after week what our concerns were with our dogs, and I
know you have other classes and day care to run, so that impressed me. Your
love of dogs, and your attention to training their trainers as well, shone
through. I would recommend you to anyone who has a dog, of whatever age. My
little guy, who was so timid and afraid at the start of the 6 weeks, became a
new dog during the process. Thank you.
Marilyn Peters
Nyah, Puppy & Intermediate Class Graduate
Everyone is so helpful and kind.
Nyah loves to attend class as well as day care. She actually knows where we
are when we pull into the parking lot and becomes excited which lets me know
that when I am not with her she really is being taken care of. I appreciate
everyone's help and patiences with answering my questions with Nyah as well
as their reassurance that Nyah is on the right path. I highly recommend
Trainers Academy and can't wait to take the advanced class and canine good
citizen testing with Nyah there!
I would love to see an agility
course or a course geared towards therapy dog training since Devene and
Angie are wonderful to work with.
Jennifer Kunst |
Bear, Puppy Class Graduate
His mouthing is so much better. His
temperament and ability to yield to our commands is astonishing for his
young age. He has come a long way since starting this course....This
class was fantastic! Our puppy has come a very long way from Class #1 to
Class #6, and my wife and I are so please to have enrolled Teddy Bear into
this course, as we found it to be worth every penny. We both learned so
many useful tips to allow for the training to become a normal daily practice
for us to use with our Teddy Bear at home. He loved the class as much as we
did and it was always something we looked forward to attending each week.
Teddy will definitely continue his education with the Trainers Academy.
Thank you!
Frank Ellero
Lucy, Puppy and
Intermediate Class Graduate
Trainer’s Academy is very
well organized and structured so that one skill builds upon another. The
trainers were great listeners and were very helpful with each problem. Our
dog presented some unique issues and we were very concerned. They helped us
work through things and taught us ways to work through the issues. They
showed compassion for each dog and wanted the training to be successful.
Nancy Gorga
Molly and Brewster, Intermediate Class
Molly and Brewster are
two puppy mill rescues who were socially challenged. After going through the
intermediate class we saw a huge difference. They both started the first
class by hidding under a chairl. By the end of the six weeks, Molly
approached another handler on her own and Brewster was greeting other dogs.
We drove an hour and a half to attend classes and it was well worth it! I
would recommend Trainers Academy to anyone no matter what their dog's
challenges are because the trainers are able to give tips to get through any
issue. Molly and Brewster are much happy, more active, and affectionate
thanks to the confidence they gained at TA!
Christine Becker
Luna, Intermediate Class Graduate
Overall, the
training classes were great! I trained all my dogs with old fashioned 70s
training, but the experience you get from only positive training is much
better. The level of trust and friendship between my dogs and I just rose to
another higher level. I have read numerous books about positive training.
Patricia McConnell and Temple Gradin are my heroes, and everything that they
say makes sense, but it is a whole other story to put this info into the
real world. This class finally connected the dots for me, and now I am able
to put the book knowledge into the real world because thanks to Lisa, I know
how to. Lisa's knowledge about the dog world is really great, and I am happy
that I took her class.
Van Etten
Caleb, Puppy Class Graduate
Best puppy training I've ever been
to, because I learned the most and brought the dog to a higher level of
obedience than either of the other two dogs I took to puppy classes from
other sponsors.
The Kirkland Family
Bo, Intermediate Class Graduate
Angie was a wonderful
instructor and made us feel comfortable and confident during the classes.
She understood our issues and was extremely helpful with giving us pointers
on how to handle certain situations. She had a very positive attitude and
seemed genuinely excited about the dogs and their success in the class! It
is extremely comforting to know that we always have Trainer's Academy as a
resource in the future. The peace of mind is priceless! Thank you!
Amanda & Brad Muckenthaler

Bruno before and...

Bruno after Lisa's training |
Bruno, Animal Welfare Society of
Southeastern Michigan - Private Training
I foster for the Animal Welfare
Society in Madison Heights. Early January the shelter rescued Bruno
a 3 month old Rottweiler from Detroit Animal Control. He had been
dumped there on Christmas morning with a severely broken leg. He
did not receive any medical care for his leg and his body formed a
false joint and healed on it's own. He was not in any pain and
could run and jump like any fun loving puppy.
I took Bruno home and what a sweet guy he was on the way home so
mellow and cuddling while I drove. Well once in the house the beast
came alive. I had never seen a dog mouth and nip as much as he
did. I nicknamed him 'Jaws' as he would just be chillin' on the
floor and then wham! He would just reach out and bite whoever was
closest. He wasn't being aggressive, it was just his way, but if
you were in his range, you got bit.
After a week of this I contacted a trainer that works with one of
the shelters vets. Her solution was to grab his jowls and yell at
him to knock it off! Well that only worked for a short time. He was
better for a week, and he would just go back to his ways.
I had so many bruises on my legs and got worried that if this didn't
stop soon he would never find a forever home. I met with another
trainer, she had me hand feeding him which he quickly got bored
with. She also had me correcting him with his leash and again, it
seemed that he improved...for awhile. Bruno learned the basic
commands and was a very quick learner.
Let me mention that I respect both of these trainers and they are
very good at what they do. But, Bruno was not responding the way
we'd hoped, and the more I corrected him he would fight me.
One day I grabbed his collar to pull him away from chewing a
basket. He got mad and lunged at my arm and that really scared me.
After all he was growing by leaps and bounds and I realized his size
could do some damage. Apparently I needed another approach to help
me get through to him.
Early on when I got him, Jackie had
told me to call Trainers Academy. So I finally did. Lisa was kind
enough to spend a lot of time on the phone with me and offered to
come to my home for a one on one. The shelter agreed to pay for
this and let me tell you the results were amazing. With in two days
of Lisa's visit Bruno had stopped biting me. There were times when
I would see him start to go for my leg and stop as if he was
thinking twice about it. I worked with him using positive
reinforcement and when he was getting into things rather than yell
or correct him I would redirect his attention to something he was
allowed to do and reward him for it! He caught on real quick. Bruno
has now been adopted to a wonderful family in Canada. I passed on
all I learned to them and they continue to use the methods. Bruno
gave them a run for their money the first week, but is now behaving
as he should. I always knew he had it in him to be a wonderful
dog. Thank you Lisa for showing me how to bring out the best in
Deb Vaughan|

Lisa received this Bruno update in August of 2009:
Hey Lisa,
I do not know if you
remember Bruno and I, but I have yet another success update for
you. Unfortunately, Bruno was returned after a year and one month
of being adopted. Turned out that his owners divorced, the wife
took the female with her...his dear playmate and left the husband
with Bruno.
Bruno went though quite a
depression period of not eating, moping around and loosing weight.
Our shelter was sponsoring a "Pet Reunion" in June for formerly
adopted pets. Bruno's dad contacted us that he had to give him up
due to "not enough time" and dumped him on us at the reunion.
Well our shelter was full
to the max on kennel space and fosters. So I took him home with me
and after a year of missing this boy, it was like he never
left...for the most part. He had yet another couple of weeks of
adjustments and misbehavior. I quickly put into practice all that I
learned from you and in no time he was a good boy.
Then to top it off, I was
in the works of moving to Arizona, so there was even more stress in
his life of jumping on a plane, flying 2000 miles and into a new and
smaller place with no furniture or anything familiar to him. This
boy has been through more than any dog should have to endure with
finding a loving family and stability. Well the move just set him
back again. So I reverted back to day one of his training and let
me tell you, he is an amazing boy! He always knew his basic
commands and some tricks, but my diligence in keeping him on track
with what I learned through you has paid off.
The positive
reinforcement does wonders. They pick it up so quickly and remember
it! Bruno had to learn to trust me and he does. Once again I thank
you.....Bruno will be a part of my family from now on. He chose
me...amidst all the good works I did to try and find him a home. I
guess his home was mine and he knew it all along. All my dogs love
him and he is one of the gang!
Once again...I thank you
for teaching me.

Meeka |
Meeka - Puppy Class GraduateI
I did a ton of research before
coming to the puppy class. It still didn't beat one-on-one
training that I received at Trainer's Academy. Without this
program I wouldn't have put in the required time needed for myself
and my dog. She seemed to really enjoy what we learned in class
and we're already starting the intermediate training!
Thanks so much!
Allison, Michelle, and Meeka

Doodle |
Doodle - Private
Behavior Consult
Lisa has done wonders
with Doodle. I bought Doodle when she was 3 months old from a
breeder that mishandled her. She was not socialized properly and
Lisa was recommended to me by my vet, who was very concerned about
Doodle's inability to meet new people and her lack of
Within one training
session, Doodle was sitting and staying in a special spot while I
answered the door . Lisa then taught me how to allow Doodle to
come forward and meet and greet new people by using the Click and
Treat method. Prior to my 2nd session, I had been practicing with
friends, and now Doodle will approach new people within a few
minutes. I was not sure the
Clicker training would work, but I will be the first to
tell anyone, IT WORKS, it has been a miracle for me and Doodle,
and Lisa has taught me to use a technique to train
Doodle has helped her overcome her fears. While Doodle may always
be a cautious dog, she is much happier and has learned that people
are not so bad.
At the 3rd session,
Lisa had me work with Doodle to "Come when called", I had learned
another method from a previous trainer, but with not a lot
of success not , but by the end of my 3rd session not only did
Doodle come but by the end of the session, she had learned to
fetch and return her ball, and to sit on command while walking.
I thought I had done
enough preliminary skills with Doodle but as fast as they learn ,
they forget and they need
positive reinforcement continually, I am continuing onto
Lisa's Intermediate class.
I had almost lost hope
that Doodle would ever be able to approach people and let them
handle her, thanks to Lisa's approach, patience and love of dogs ,
Doodle is a much happier dog.
Lisa, thanks so much
Vicki Cornecelli

Charlie |
Charlie - Puppy Class Graduate
After adopting our 6 month old
Labradoodle, I couldn't wait to begin a training program for him.
He and I both needed it. Him being a high energy dog, I knew it
would be essential that I learn quickly how to help shape him
positively, before too many negative behaviors came about. From the
first meeting I found the information so relevant to what I needed
to know. Charlie was an extremely eager participant and caught on
to the positive clicker training immediately. It's amazing to see
that within a few tries of greeting a stranger he could calmly sit
and wait out a treat without jumping on someone. For me to no
longer be pulled down the street on walks is like a dream.....so I
am grateful for all the positive training. Of course we are still
working the methods out in the world and I have seen many
strides. I am finding that with hard work and persistence even our
high energy dog is getting it!
Kim Steves

Tess |
Tess - Intermediate Class Graduate
Tess has definitely gained
confidence (and personality). While you didn't see it in class,
when we'd get home she'd strut around, like she really thought she
was something else - tossing toys in the air, teasing Cody and
initiating play. She now approaches neighbors that she knows -
wagging her tail and asking to be petted! That's huge and beyond my
expectations of what she'd get from the class. Thanks!!!
Jill Calvin

Mikey |
Mikey - Puppy Class Graduate
Mikey is a rescued dog, who as a
puppy, suffered an injury to both of his eyes - resulting in the
loss of one, and permanent blindness in the other.
He aced his puppy class, and learned
to become a confident, happy little guy despite his inability to
We received this nice note from his
foster Mom and wanted to share the news about what he's been up
to since he graduated.
Hey Lisa and Everyone,
Thought I'd let you know that we took
Mikey to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Royal
Oak. I took him mainly because I thought it would be a good
socializing experience for him, and brought the doggie stroller in
case he wasn't up to walking. Well, much to my surprise he walked
most of the parade (and back to the car) on a leash, and whenever
he heard kids voices on the sidelines, he'd run over for pets and
face-licks! You know how kids are -- they all commented on his
missing eye, but no one believed he was blind. It was a great
experience for him and the kids were more interested in Mikey than
the candy we were passing out! Thanks for all the help with him.
He continues to grow more and more confident, there's just no
stopping him! I'm thinking he might be an excellent candidate for
a therapy dog one day.

Peanut |
Peanut - Private Behavior Consult
Dear Lisa:
We can't thank you enough! For five
years, whenever Peanut would get something he wasn't supposed to
have, it was so frustrating trying to get it away from him, and
sometimes he would bite me in the process. After one session with
you, we learned how to give Peanut the "cue": Peanut leave it!
And Peanut learned the proper response. We have been practicing
with Peanut for only two or three weeks and Peanut loves it as
much as we do. He can hardly wait for us to say, "Peanut leave
it" and he does so immediately. He's five years old and he
learned new behavior on the spot. Chuck, Carol and Peanut are
much happier now.
Thanks again.
Chuck & Carol Kanirie
Bailey -
Intermediate Class Graduate
Dear Lisa,
I came upon
your website while in the process of recommending your school to
my niece who has a new puppy. My dog Bailey, a flat-coated
retriever, and I attended your class about 5 years ago and I
have to tell you that everyone who meets Bailey comments on how
well behaved she is.
Bailey and I were at the vet for her routine physical. A woman
who was also there with a very unruly German Shepherd, walked by
our exam room stopped, looked at Bailey lying peacefully on the
floor next to me at exclaimed, “I want that dog”, to which
replied “You can’t have her”.
That reaction
is typical to everyone Bailey meets. My whole neighborhood
knows her and loves her. They don’t know my name, but they know
her. She is obedient, mindful, gets along with other dogs [and
cats], and in my mind is the most perfect dog in the world.
Needless to
say, I credit you and your wonderful classes for helping her
[and me], enjoy the happy relationship we have.
Ian - Intermediate Graduate
In the past, I have been to other
training which was less expensive, but I have learned that you get
what you pay for! The instruction at Trainers Academy is the very
best and definitely very worth the extra cost. I really like
the positive training techniques that are taught. And how the dog's
interpretations of our actions are explained!
Edie McLeod
Jonas - Intermediate Class Graduate
I run a Shih Tzu rescue and we
frequently have owners surrender their dogs because of behavior
issues. I have found that even a little bit of obedience training
goes a long way towards keeping the dogs in their current homes or
re-homing them. Not only do the dogs learn basic commands, they
also develop a sense of importance, a connection with their
owner/trainer, and are very proud to be "smart doggies." With this
newly-found self confidence, many of the problem behaviors disappear
on their own.
I found that to be especially true
with Jonas, who was sometimes cowering and shy, and other times wild
and out of control. I noticed a difference in him after the
very first week of training at Trainers Academy. That week he
learned to look up at me, focus and listen, and--best of all--the
following week at home had the confidence to go outside to take care
of "business" rather than seek out a corner. His personality
blossomed, and he is a happier dog (and we are a happier family)!
Cathi White & Jonas
Cassie - Puppy Class Graduate
We absolutely treasure the classes
at Trainer's Academy. We travel almost 2 hours to class
and have put one of our puppies through puppy, intermediate and
advanced, and our second puppy through puppy class. It is well
worth the travel time! The knowledge provided is
invaluable to not only our pups, but also to us as pet owners.
We look forward to continuing with Trainer's academy in the future.
Kathy VanGorp
Dolly - Intermediate Class Graduate
Hi Lisa and trainers,
Just wanted to give you some more good
news about Dolly. We took her up north for the Fourth of
July and on one of our walks she passed 3 dogs without barking or
jumping. She did bark at a fourth dog, but that was a very
loud and aggressive one who charges anyone walking by if he's not
restrained. Also on our walk, a fifth dog - a puppy - got
away from its owners and ran out into the street, right up to
Dolly. Dolly just sniffed it and wagged her tail and acted
like a normal, friendly dog! We were so happy and impressed!
I know she's still quite loud and reactive in class, but we are
seeing definite improvements at home when she only sees one or two
other dogs at a time.
We're going to continue working with
her at home for the rest of the summer and then we'll be back in
the fall for another class. Thank you!
Have a great summer!

Olive - Private Behavior Consult
Olive was rescued from Detroit Animal
Control as a pup. She had several issues when we started working
together - including sensitivity to strangers, especially men,
coming into, and being the house. She had already nipped at a man
and was very difficult to control anytime someone knocked on the
door, or rang the door bell.
Most concerning to the client though, was that Olive had also
exhibited worrisome behavior around their young daughter, Alexa. So
the owner set up a private consult with Lisa.
follow up 2 weeks post-visit:
Things are going great! Olive is adjusting to the
(training) very well.
We have been working with her every night when Chris comes home from
work with him knocking on the door and Olive going to her pillow and
staying there until he/me releases her.
Olive is getting a hand of "moving on" when Alexa
approaches her. I have noticed that sometimes I don't even have to
say anything to Olive she just gets us and moves on. The sit, lay,
stay on her pillow is also working well, we went outside the other
day and worked on it also.
All in all I think Olive is making good progress. I work with her on
average about an 1 hour to 1.5 hours a day and always when Alexa is
Lisa, thank you so much for the tools to teach Olive to be a great
dog. I will keep in touch.
Progress follow up, approximately 4
weeks post-visit:
Over the weekend we had a cable guy come over and one of our (male)
friends came over also. Olive did great... When the cable guy came
over Olive was in the kitchen with me and I told her to sit, lay,
stay where she was, and I could not believe my eyes - the cable
person was in our house for about 30 minutes and Olive never once
got up to go meet him. I kept telling her to stay and rewarding the
good behavior. Once the cable guy was gone I released her. She was
Later on that night our friend came
over. I told Olive to go to her pillow and did the same sit, lay,
stay until she was calm. Once she was calm I released her. Our
friend was so impressed (Olive nipped at him before). The whole time
he was here he was able to walk around our house with out the fear
of Olive nipping at him. He kept saying how impressed he was with
Progress is being made :) to be continued..
Thanks again for everything
Progress follow up, 1 year and 3
months post-visit:
I can not believe that it has been a year since you were at our
home. I can't tell you enough how thankful we were to you have
you in our home. Olive and Alexa are doing great together.
We have not had any problems what so ever. Alexa is now 2-1/2
and just loves Olive.
We have set boundaries for both of
them when they are around each other. I can tell you that I
feel comfortable leaving Alexa in the same room as Olive.
Within the last few months Alexa wants to pet Olive but we have made
it clear to Alexa that she can only pet Olive when Mommy and Daddy
are there. A cute story I want to share with you. Alexa
has two blankets that she sleeps with. The other day we were
upstairs and Olive was laying down just watching what was going on.
Alexa went into her bedroom to get one of her blankets. When
she came back into our bedroom with her blanket she put it on Olive
and told her night night. Chris and I realized after your visit that
we thought we were doing the correct things with Olive and in fact
we were doing the opposite.
Olive has continued to be great with people that come into our home.
When someone is at the door I tell her to go to her pillow and she
stays there until I release her.
I have told everyone I know that has a dog to take them to see you
for any training needs.
Thanks for everything.


Hardie meeting a new friend, Dollar,
without fear. In fact he wanted to play with her... something that
never would have happened a few months prior.
Hardie - Greyhound-Only Graduate
I don’t think words can ever express
how grateful I am that Trainer’s Academy, and especially Devene,
came into my life. My
story is lengthy, but very worth reading.
Last December I became a member of GEM
(Greythounds of Eastern Michigan) and made my home available as a
foster home. Little
did I know how much my life was about to change.
I was asked to take a greyhound for a week because his
foster family was taking a vacation.
I then found out, that because of his behavior, his foster
family had no intentions of taking him back after vacation.
Not a big deal? Maybe
not for your typical foster, but Hardie wasn’t typical, nor was
the life he’d had thus far.
Hardie wasn’t quite 2 when he first came to GEM.
He was placed within 3 months of his arrival and 2 weeks
later a brindle female was placed in that same home.
He stayed in that home about 4 ½ years with the last 18
months being miserable for him.
He and the brindle female, for reasons we’ll probably
never know, were banished to a garage with no real human
intervention. Those
18 months changed Hardie, and not in a good way.
He came back to GEM January 26, 2006 and stayed in a few
different foster homes and then was finally placed in my home as a
foster January 5, 2008. That
next day I took him to a Meet & Greet just to see how he acted
around other greyhounds. I
needed to see for myself if he was really as bad as I had been
told he was. Well,
words can’t describe the fear in his eyes and the defensive
behavior he had if another greyhound just made eye contact with
him. All I can say is
“thank God for muzzles” or there would have been bloodshed.
I immediately wanted to get this boy help.
I began calling everywhere ... and I do mean EVERYWHERE.
I had trainers tell me that Hardie couldn’t be helped
without even evaluating him.
Well that wasn’t good enough for me.
I’ve worked with other dogs that had issues and I knew in
my heart that I could help Hardie with the right trainer.
Trainer’s Academy was the first training facility that
was recommended to me. When
Lisa returned my call and I told her Hardie’s story, she
recommended that he attend Devene’s “Greyhounds - ONLY”
class. There was one
beginning in 2 weeks and there was 1 opening left, so I took it.
That first class Hardie had to be pulled through the door.
Just the sight of other greyhounds made him shake
uncontrollably. We
went through 2 of Devene’s 6 week courses with Hardie.
Devene and her “Greyhounds – ONLY” class has changed
his life. He has
learned to make right choices.
Now when he’s uncomfortable in a situation, he leaves it
instead of lashing out. Last
night I started my volunteer work with Trainer’s Academy.
Two other GEM’s were going to be in the class so we
decided to car pool. Everyone
was to meet at my house. When
Helen arrived with her greyhound Dollar, we decided to see how
Hardie would react to Dollar through the fence.
He was excited to see Dollar, even did a half hearted play
bow, jumped in the air, barked, tail wagging, as if to say “come
play with me”. That
is a total “about face” from where he was 4 ½ months ago.
May 10, I decided I didn’t want
Hardie to ever leave my home and I signed the papers to adopt him.
Because of Trainer’s Academy and Devene, Hardie has gone
from being a scared, defensive greyhound, into a loving, happy,
and sociable greyhound. Thank
you Devene for saving this sweet boy!!
Sarah Williams
Hardie (Thanks Devene for believing in
me - slurp, slurp!!)

"No Marek, it's like this..."

"Come one, we are free!"
Misia and Marek - Puppy, Intermediate
and Advanced Classes
"Catch me if
you can!" |
Just remember that you are amazing
and the work you did with Miss Misia caused me to fall in love with
Lisa, I will be forever grateful to
you. When I first met Tom, I was like...oh you have a slobbery,
hairy dog....lovely. Now, I bought my own puppy, and I love them
both as though they are human children.
You work wonders!
Thank you,
Tiffanie Coe
Alfie Panetta - Puppy Class Graduate
(March 2008)
Dear Lisa and
We really want to thank you for some excellent training! Alfie
expects us to perform our routine training sessions and let's us
know if she's in the mood even when we're not! We acquired some
great guidelines and promise to do our best to proceed with the
lessons you taught so very well.
We hope to stay in touch, but if for some reason we lose touch,
please know that your guidance will forever make a difference in the
life we share with Alfie.
Many, many thanks!
Bonnie and Tony Panetta

Connor |
Connor Harris - Puppy Class Graduate
had you this past summer for puppy class, actually Conner had you.
You may remember a certain German Shepard plush coat, that took the
class from behind the counter in Farmington Hills.
Conner is doing fine, he is one year old now and still a puppy. His
manners are much improved since you saw him last, and he continues
to amaze me as to how smart he is. I know, I am a little
prejudiced, but he picks things up so fast. Only dog I have ever
had, where you can tell him to go get his red ball, or the green one
and he will. If he has not finished his dinner and wants a biscuit,
I tell him not till he is done with his dog food. And darn'd if he
doesn't go finish it and come back for a biscuit.
Thank you for your help.

Daichi |
Daichi Scott - Private Counseling Client
Daichi came from a
shelter and also seemed to have been in a neglectful situation. He
seemed to be very distant and seemed to have had a fear of
unknown. It was clear that he was not socialized properly as a
puppy. Because he is so large, we felt that any misbehavior on his
part, however slight, may cause a problem. We also wanted to undo
some of damages that his previous life has done to him.
We wanted him to feel safe and secure with us, strangers and other
dogs (we are still working on cats). We wanted him to relax and to
enjoy his new life. We wanted him to be socialized so that we can
enjoy his company with many other people.
Although I have had Akitas before, and I was used to handling a
large dog and can teach the basic obedience, Lisa (Laney) Patrona
has taught me how to "undo" experiences that a dog may have had
before, which was helpful. We have never had a completely grown
Akita before and this was a new territory for me.
I can say that Daichi now accepts new environments and people
well. We can have contractors and guests come over, and once he is
done sniffing those guests, he usually finds them uninteresting
and goes back to his nap. Several months ago, this would not be
We cannot thank you enough. My husband
is now better trained (not as well as the dog) and now that he
uses the proper leash, he enjoys walking him more. Daichi keeps
walking even if:
1. A dog comes up barking
2. A Person comes close
3. A deer crosses the street (unless it is really close and he is
startled, then he whines in excitement)
Daichi has become such a joy to have
Konomi Gamo Scott

Lou |
Lou Wells - Behavioral Consultation
Hi Lisa,
I wonder if you remember my
Beagle, Lou. To jog your memory, Lou had some anger and object
guarding issues. He will still steal things and run and hide in a
corner, but he will always drop them when I say “Drop it”. You
gave us really good advice that I followed.... Lou no longer is
dangerous to people at all.
told you I was going to give him away. I was afraid I wouldn’t be
a good pet owner. I realized that he probably didn’t have much of
a chance of being adopted, so then I knew I was his best chance of
Lisa, basically I wanted to thank
you for helping make it possible for Lou to have a chance.
Paul Wells

Cinnamon Donahue - Intermediate &
Advanced Class Graduate
Cinnamon was abandoned in a house and it was reported to the MI
Humane Society. The Animal Cops - Detroit film crew went with the
investigators to the rescue (her rescue has aired on the
show). She was obviously a nursing mother and quite
malnourished. The investigators found her 14 puppies in the
basement. All of the puppies survived and were adopted.
I went to an adoption at a dog day
care facility and fell in love with her sweet and beautiful face.
I quickly learned she was not always sweet. She was very
aggressive toward other dogs. Numerous times she pulled me down
while going after another dog.
After trying on my own to "train"
her and 2 different training schools, I was at my wits end. I
spoke with my uncle (a professor who specialized in behavioral
techniques). He recommended I read the book "Don't Shoot the Dog"
by Karen Pryor. The book emphasized training techniques such as
clicker training and positive reinforcement. I looked for a
school which utilized these techniques and found the Trainers
Academy, LLC on the web.
Cinni was so aggressive during the
first session of the intermediate class we were kept behind the
desk and that is where we stayed for the entire 6 weeks. I took
advantage of the Intermediate Class Guarantee and repeated the
class 4 times. By the end she was able to be out in the middle of
the room with all of the other dogs. She also went on to graduate
from the Advanced class.
My hat is off to Lisa and her
staff. They taught me the skills I needed. They helped me
understand the process of conditioning Cinni to tolerate other
dogs and lots of other tricks! I am now able to take Cinni to dog
parks, dog day care and even did the Humane Society's Mega March a
few weeks ago.
I can't thank Lisa and the other
staff at the Trainer's Academy enough! Now, I have that sweet
Mary Donahue

Daisy when she graduated from our
Greyhounds Only Class. This was the first class Connie and Daisy
attended over a year ago. In August 2007 she earned a Canine Good
Citizen certificate at Trainers Academy, LLC. |
Daisy Fett - Greyhounds Only, Intermediate, Advanced & CGC
Graduate - DayCare Client
I dropped a treat on the floor as
I was getting ready to take Daisy to day care. She just about had
it in her mouth when I said, "Leave it!" She immediately looked up
and came to me, leaving the treat where it was.
It started me thinking about how much Daisy and I have learned
this past year. I could only speculate as to her background. I
know she was trained to race, rejected by the track, and spent the
rest of the time on a Greyhound farm in Oklahoma.
We have many more things to learn, but thanks to the special
Greyhound class, intermediate and advanced classes, CGC sessions,
and behavioral counseling she is a joy to live with. I feel like
we are a member of one special family (Trainer's Academy). When
she first came from CA, I felt alone and insecure "raising a
Greyhound," but thanks to Dr. Karen, from Serenity Animal Hospital
for recommending Trainer's Academy, I now have some confidence,
and so does Daisy. She actually seems much happier, knowing what
is expected of her. I no longer try to force her to do what I
want, by tugging and pulling. It may take a little longer, but she
eventually she comes along. I allow her up on the furniture,
because I now know she will come down upon command.
You have a great program and staff. I am very grateful we found
you... even if it is a little far to drive.
Connie Fett


Conor Gaffney Farmington Hills
Puppy Class Graduating July 18, 2007

Conor (pictured at right) enjoyed puppy class and we learned how
to have a better puppy and how to have fun with him.
Conor is our third puppy (Fergus and
Quinn, the other two grads are pictured at right) to attend
Trainers Academy Puppy Class. We could not imagine having a puppy
and not attending Trainers Academy. We live in Lapeer and travel
60 miles to get to class, which indicates how highly we regard
your organization.
This is our second puppy to have
Devene as an instructor. She is wonderful with the puppies and
their puppy parents. Quinn, our Westie, attended Trainers Academy
with Devene as an instructor and even 2 years after attending
class still will come when she is called. She will drop whatever
she has in her mouth, even across the yard, when we tell her to
leave it. She still enjoys her tricks and playing with Conor and
Fergus, our nine year old Trainers Academy puppy.
Thanks for all the attention and
information. It was a great class!
Mary Gaffney

Muffin |
Muffin & Ann - Puppy
& Intermediate Graduates & DayCare Clients
I took my
puppy, Muffin to Puppy class and Intermediate class and daycare at
Trainers Academy, LLC. Muffin learned by the clicker training method
and it has worked very well. Lisa (Laney) Patrona, the new owner is the top of
the line and is well educated and gifted in training, counseling and
caring for dogs. I would recommend Trainers Academy to anyone
wishing the best training and education for their pet. The Daycare
program is top of the line also.

Clue Carey

Madam Carey
Both are
Greyhound-Only Class Graduates and part of Allison Carey's family! |
Hi Devene:
I wanted to tell you about something
that happened recently. I had all four of my dogs out for a walk
the other day -- something I rarely do because I didn't actually
believe I could control four dogs if, say a rabbit darted across
our path, but it was a nice day and they all really wanted to go
at once, so I gave in.
Anyway as we were walking, there were a bunch of kids going by on
bikes and skateboards so I put all four of them into a sit and
then a down and told them to stay and I was so proud of them. They
all stayed put the entire time, even though one of the kids
stopped and said, "can I pet your dogs?" Simon was the first one
to try to get up and I gave him the "uh-uh" (a no-reward mark)
right away and he went right back down. I was just really proud of
all of them. (Clue is the best :- ) They were kind of far from
home with a lot of distraction and it was the whole pack, but they
were all perfect! I was actually kind of surprised myself, I have
to admit, but we have been practicing our obedience commands on
walks, in pet stores, at meet & greets & all kinds of crazy
places, sometimes with treats and sometimes without treats, just
to stay in practice and I guess it has really paid off!
That's a long, long way from ol'
Clue who couldn't pay attention for 2 seconds in class, huh? So
there's a little story you can share in your next class about Clue
the Class Clown. He sends you kisses.
Have a great day!
Allison Carey
Precious & Suzanne DiCicco
- Intermediate Class Graduates
Suzanne sent this great news to her instructor,
Lisa (Laney) Patrona, Dip. DTBC, CPDT-KA, CBC:
Hi Lisa,
I have to tell you how PROUD I am of my little girl. I was visiting
with my grandparents and they live on 80+ acres of orchards and
woods. Precious is allowed to run free provided she is within
a 10-15ft distance at max from me at all times. Around 10pm I
took her out before bed and made sure to make a lot of noise to
ward off any wild animals. Well it just so happened that when
I did it didn't scare the deer fast enough. She walked out with
me caught a whiff of them and bolted. I freaked and thought I
would never see her again!!! In mid-sprint 25ft+ away I called
her to return and she DID!! She stopped the chase and sat next
to me on the porch, giddy and pumped none the less. I couldn't
believe it!! I will of course be much more cautious in the future
but was so happy with her I had to tell you! :)
I'm especially thankful that I found you and your organization!!!
I was really at the end of my rope until you taught me how to
train her. THANK YOU
-Suzanne & Precious

Freckles great recall saved his life!

Connie & Freckles both held a "stay"
so their mom could secure the gate at a dog park.
Freckles & Connie with
Ruth & Chris Hiner - Greyhound-Only Class Graduates
This article was e-mailed to Michigan ReGAP (Retired Greyhounds
as Pets) adopters and was written by ReGAP member and freelance
writer, Ken Martin (ken_marten@yahoo.com). Since sighthounds (such
as greyhounds) are bred and trained to hunt by sight, getting
them to focus can be a challenge. But the Hiners were up to the
challenge, and as you can see, it paid off:
REGAP member Ruth Hiner, owner of Freckles and Connie,
has nothing but praise for "Greyhounds Only: A Class For
Retired Racers," an obedience class offered by Devene Godau,
CPDT-KA of Trainers Academy, LLC. A recent afternoon romp at the
local dog park almost turned into a lost greyhound search, were
it not for training learned in the class. Ruth and the hounds
were inside the fenced-in park when another dog owner accidentally
left the double gates ajar upon exiting.
"The next thing you know, I saw Freckles outside
of the park, building up a head of steam to chase after the dog
that just left," Ruth said. "I yelled for Freckles to
come, and he ran back into the dog park. Then I told him and Connie
to stay as I ran into the gate system to close both of the gates."
Ruth's quick thinking and stay-calm
attitude, combined with the skills taught to both dog and handler
at Trainers Academy, saved the day. "If it wasn't for the
recall and stay exercises in the obedience class, I would have
lost my boy," Ruth said with a shudder. "If this isn't
a good enough reason to recommend Devene's class, I don't know
what is."
Breeze and Susan Dodd - Puppy
& Intermediate Class Graduates
Is there such a thing as too good of a recall? This
cute story was sent by one of Lisa's recent graduates:
Dear Lisa,
I wanted to share a cute story with you, after all
the emphasis in puppy class and intermediate class on the distance
recall, and getting your dog to want to come to you.
This past weekend I took Breeze
to Ohio to see his breeders. The visit was planned because Breeze
has turned out to have wonderful conformation and they wanted
to evaluate him. The breeder was playing with him a little on
a show lead to see his movement, but whenever Breeze caught a
glimpse of me, Mom, he made a bee-line for me. In the house they
asked me to call him to see if they could catch his gait going
from the kitchen to the living room. I called him and he galloped
to me, just as I heard the breeder saying something like "see
if you can get him to come, but more slowly". Forget trotting.
Of course they did get an opportunity to see him move, I just
had to hide behind the car. It was great to see how determined
he was to get to me when separated. Pretty Cool!
-Susan Dodd



Ari |
Dear Lisa (Laney) Patrona:
It's been awhile since I've contacted you. I consulted you
concerning my dog Rocket about a year and a half ago. It's been a
while since I have checked out the Woofology web site, so I was
surprised and happy to see that you were listed as the owner.
Congratulations! That's wonderful.
Everything is going well with our 3 dogs, Coral, Jake and Ari. We
welcomed Ari into our home, going on a year ago, and she's
wonderful. A little talkative, but a huge cuddler. We feel very
fortunate to have 3 fairly normal dogs to help make up our family.
We still appreciate your help, but more than that we appreciated
knowing that there are people out there like you, who possess the
genuine expertise that is so desperately needed.
I'm going to recommend you to my friend. She has a huge black Lab,
who is a wonderful dog. He just needs a little training. I'm not
sure exactly what she is looking for with him, but I know you can
point her in the right direction.
I attached pictures of Coral (black Lab), Ari (golden Lab), and Jake
(Shih-Tzu). I may pester you again sometime in the near future with
a couple of questions. I hope you don't mind.
Congratulations again on all your hard work!
Lisa Newman |
"The program makes training fun.
I feel I have bonded even more with my dog and she really looks
forward to coming to class. The training makes it easier to
understand my dogs perspective, therefore building a better
relationship. My kids also love some of the activities. I would
recommend this program to everyone who gets a dog."
Beth North &
Puppy Class Graduates
"I enjoyed the Intermediate Class. I
learned a lot about clicker training such as what to do and what not
to do with clicking and treating, along with so much more valuable
information, it was worth the 63 mile drive to Trainers Academy, The
staff was friendly, helpful and knowledgeable."
Karen Dawson &
Intermediate Class Graduates.
"Lisa is an AWESOME instructor
and as a result of taking my bull mastiff there over 2 years ago
have recommend her and your training over and over again... As
well as passed on valued dog & training information to others!
Good Luck Lisa!"
-M. Jeske
"The class is so positive and fun, my pup Ellie loved coming to school and we learned so much. Thanks so much for a wonderful experience."
Jennie Lynn & Ellie
Puppy Class Graduates. |
"This was my first experience
with clicker training (I used the pop version earlier) and I love it. My dog, Fred, is a foodaholic which made it easy to get his attention. The best part is how kind this training is to my dog. I enjoyed seeing him "get it" when I worked with him to learn a new skill. Everyone in class made such progress with their dogs. And the dogs seemed happy to be in class. What a difference this type of training is to my previous training experiences. I am so glad I came. I have more to learn about clicker training and am excited to continue my education as well."
~Joan Johnson & Fred
Intermediate Class Graduates.
" I would highly recommend Trainers Acedemy to anyone looking to get help with training their pets"
~Jennifer Fairbrother & Kimber