
"Help! My puppy is "shy" and seems afraid of new people"
It's crucial to allow a shy puppy to become completely comfortable with a new person, on their own terms. Strangers/people she seems "shy" of, should completely ignore her so she can make her own choice, in her own time, to approach, or not. This will prevent her from becoming more "sensitive" and will make all the difference. See this article ; http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/pets/dog-behavior/how-to-socialize-your-puppy?page=all The whole article is good, but pay special attention and follow the advice under the section heading - "What to do if your puppy is shy". Read more on the subject of fear in dogs (and pups!) at our Fearful Dog Archive
My Dog is Scared of Everything Emphasizes the importance of an early (and properly executed!) socialization plan!
Next, click Checklist for Socialization by Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS for a guide to follow that will help you to keep track of the socialization bases you've covered properly with your puppy, and which ones still need some work!
How to Find the Right Doggy Daycare Be careful when selecting a daycare program for your puppy. Daycare places are not all created equal!
Resource Guarding
Resource guarding. Yes, it's very common in puppies as well as adult dogs, and yes, it's normal canine behavior!
This section provides information about the behavior known as resource guarding (characterized by a dog's defensive reaction i.e., stiffening, growling, snarling, snapping) when in possession of a valued resource such as food, toys, chews, sleep/resting space, etc. It is a very common (and normal!) behavior in both adult dogs, and puppies.
Teaching your pup (or an adult dog) to drop objects (happily!) on cue:
The Q&A at the following link discusses growling from a dog when her human tries to pet her while she's eating. This Tip also mentions tension between the dogs who live together in the home (also resource-related); http://woofology.info/troublebrewing.html
Resource Guarding - What It Is, How to Prevent It